Monday, August 22, 2011


Well I always knew that I wanted to be a stay at home mom. Thats why I never went to college. I just worked up until 2 days before having Baylee. Now my kids are my job, my priority, my joy!
But when I was younger I never thought of my social life when staying at home with the kids. I could have never imagined that God would not only bless me with my amazing kids but the best friendships I have ever had in my life!  Being a part of my moms group keeps me sane, entertained, busy as a bee & even that much more greatful that I am not working!
My friends are always there to have fun with! We laugh, we dress up, we dance, we drink, we take our kids everywhere with us, we are there for eachother in moments when the kids have pushed us to the end of our rope & pull eachother back in.   Thank you to all my amazing friends! You girls are the best. Thank you to my Husband that works so hard so I can spend all week hanging out with my kids & our friends. Thank you God for giving my so much more then I ever deserve!

Here are some "Prom" pics:)

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